Category Archives: Household Tips

Homemade Cleaner for my Tub


A few weeks ago someone shared a few pics of the stains in her tub and a recipe she had found that promised to eradicate that stain.  A before and after demonstrated that, yes it had done the trick.  I decided to try since my water leave blue, yep blue, sort or a teal color, in my tub, shower, sinks in my bathrooms.  So far the only thing that even comes close to removing PART of it is CLR and I don’t like using that.  I tried it since it looked to be very gentle, which made me feel comfortable in using it.



12 oz. Distilled White Vinegar

10 oz. Dawn dish soap

Place vinegar in microwave on high for 2 minutes, remove and add Dawn, then stir.  Pour into a spray bottle.  I let it stand till it was cooled.  I then sprayed in tub and waited about an hour or so, she waited 3 or 4, then washed it out.  And, lo and behold, all the blue stain left.  Yes, I’m serious.  No elbow grease, just washing out and rinsing with hot water, maybe I could have even used cold as easy as it washed out.  I’ve used it at least weekly since, and the sink, too.  I am now using in my stainless steel kitchen sinks.  Works great and smells good, to boot.  Very inexpensive, can’t beat that either.

Homemade Cleaner for Toddler Poddy Accidents…


A friend on facebook asked:

Hey, Jennie!!! I have a project for you!! It’s easy!! I need a homemade cleaner for toddler potty accidents on cloth furniture, rugs and carpet. It needs to be a disinfectant!! I’m sure moms everywhere would love this tip!! Thanks!!!!!

Searched online and this is what I found.

One ounce rubbing alcohol to eight ounces water, add a dash of dish soap and mix it all in a spray bottle. Spray on the spot, wait about 30 seconds and blot with dry cloth. Repeat until clean, then rinse with a damp cool cloth, Also can use this on all carpet stains. It works great, and even gets any smell out!  Even gets out dark beer out of white carpet, this homemade cleaner will take out all the stain and all the smell!

This should be disinfectant with the alcohol.

Homemade Laundry Soap @Pinterest


I love saving money, and love my clothes clean, soft and well taken care of.  I have found some wonderful laundry detergent Recipes in various places.  This one is taken from a post on fb and @Pinterest.  I edited it down to pic, ingredients and instructions.  I am really looking forward to using this one sometime in the future.  I have a 5 gallon bucket that is over half full and have the ingredients for another bucket of liquid laundry soap.  This powder laundry soap will be made in due time.  I’m looking forward to it.  If you make it for your home, I’d love your comments pro or con.

1 (4 lb 12 oz) Box of Borax

1 (3 lb 7 oz) Box of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda

1 (3 lb) Container of OxyClean

2 (14.1 oz) Bars of Zote Soap or Fels Naptha

2 (2 lb) box or 1 (4 lb) boxes of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda

1 or 22 (55 oz) Bottles of Purex Crystals Fabric Softener (your choice)

In  a very large bucket layering small amount of each ingredient on top of each other, then use a large mixing spoon  mixing well. Takes about 5 times, much easier than dumping all the ingredients in at once and then trying to mix it well.

You only need 1-2 Tablespoons per load!  Using the Purex Crystals Fabric Softener and scoop the detergent right into your bottle, then use the cap as your measuring spoon. There are 3 lines on the side and the middle one is approximately 2 Tablespoons.

Homemade Liquid Laundry Detergent w/Lemon Scent


2 c. Borax Powder

1 c. Arm & Hammer Washing Soda

1 bar Fells Naptha soap – grated

15-20 drops Lemon Scent concentrate (or your favorite scent) *Optional

Have a clean 5 gallon bucket with lid available and ready. In a large soup pot boil 8 cups of water, add grated bar soap stirring until completely dissolved.  Once dissolved, slowly pour into the bucket followed by the powder soaps, continuing to pour slowly, stirring well as you go along.  Add hot water continuing to stir until the water is at the full rim of bucket.  Add desired amount of drops of scent and stir well once again.  I get my Lemon Scent from since I can pay less for one there than I can locally but also get 1 or 2 FREE.  Even with shipping the breakdown of the price is way less.

Place the lid on the bucket and leave there for a minimum of 24 hours.  When lid is removed you will need to stir the mixture for as it has cooled it has gelled and will need to be loosened up.  This 5 gallons of soap lasts us between 5 and 6 months, a family of 3.  I use 1/2 cup of detergent per load.

While there are places online to find these ingredients the best price I’ve found is ebay.  The 5 gallon Kit can be purchased for just $2.90, including shipping is less than $7.00.  Overall this is the very best deal I’ve found at all.  You may want to browse around ebay to buy individual large boxes for great deals, too.  We do have a local store that stocks the 3 items, which is a plus.  Happy shopping — happy laundry.