Monthly Archives: July 2013

CC’s Blueberry Pecan Coffee Cake


My sweet niece CC.

My sweet niece CC.

CC’s Blueberry Pecan Coffee Cake

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 

During the preheating process melt 1 stick of butter cut into 8 slices in a 13×9 Pyrex baking dish.


1 1/4 c. Bisquick

*Kitchen Tip:

(if no Bisquick is in your pantry you can substitute it with 1 1/4 c. All-Purpose flour, 3 T bkg. pdr, 1 tsp. salt)

1/4-1/2 c. sugar

1 tsp. cinnamon

1 tsp. vanilla

2/3 c. milk > she used 1/3 c. heavy cream & 1/3 c.  liquid Southern Pecan coffee creamer

3 c. blueberries (actually used 1 1/2 c.)

2 oz. chopped pecans

1 pkg. instant maple brown sugar oatmeal


Combine all dry ingredients well then add milk and vanilla and stir with spoon then place evenly into baking dish.  DO NOT stir berries into batter but evenly place over the top, do the same with pecans, then oatmeal packet to have a good crunchy top.  Be sure to layer each of these, don’t mix them.

Bake at 350 for 45 minutes.

CC's Blueberry Pecan Coffee Cake

The story:  Yesterday I got this picture texted on my phone from a number I was not familiar with.  So my response; “Thanks for the picture but I don’t know who sent me this.  HELP!  Recipe would be great!”  So then she texted her identity and that she’d messaged me on facebook (my oh my, are we so techy or what?).  So then we chatted, texted and finally called each other, she gave me her tweaked recipe all while I was removing my Fresh Fruit Monkey Bread, turning it out on a really pretty glass tray, then having to return it to the oven with it all kind of spread out and then taking it out when I heard glass pop from the heat (yes that really happened ~ ugh & all while on the phone with her LOL),  slid off onto the ugly pizza pan you saw it on and returned to oven once again to finish.

The reason she texted the picture to me in the first place:  Carl I. D. Picture - 2, my sweet hubby, her Uncle, because he LOVES blueberries she thought of him when making this breakfast treat for her Honey, Ed.  So, very soon I’ll be making it for Carl all because CC thought of him.

During our phone conversation she told me that she’d prepared a ‘generous helping’ for Ed prior to getting in the shower to prepare to go see Wolverine, and when she returned, all that helping was gone and he was digging into the cake for more.  Must’ve been pretty good, wouldn’t you say?


Fresh Fruit Monkey Bread


National Donut Day 6/7/13



I live in a very small town!  Saying that to say, our local shop, Donut Hole, did NOT know it was National Donut Day!  Amazing!  Another thing, CASH only, yet another small business in this small town that will not use electronic payment or receive checks, only CASH.  My goodness, huh?  Nonetheless, we enjoyed our spur of the moment time, met a friend and saw a few friends during the time we were there enjoy donuts and coffee and brought some home to Dad since he was at work.  😦

One of said friends, came in, asked, ‘how many dozen donuts can I buy’? seriously!  She must’ve been able to buy at least a dozen dozen donuts.  Fun morning then off to shop at a local salvage store and I got 4 beautiful brand name pillows for my living room @ $2.00 each ~ big savings.  Love days like that, time with friends and my boy, small town living.



My little garden of herbs.  Yep, that’s really my garden of herbs.  Just a few in a pot all scrunched together.  A friend gave me some Chives she had separated from some of what she had, I got a small plant of Sweet Basil and of Oregano and had to have a small plant of Marigolds.  Well, I am so NOT the best gardener in the world, understatement for sure.  I had this in the kitchen window and of course it was just not doing well, so I put it outside by the front door.  Yep, that did the trick and I never fail to water it everyday (hot & humid)!  Doing well now.  I cut from it several times a week and boy is that good for it.

This is where I get the herbs I use in so many of my recipes.  Now you know, a little goes a long way.

Just thought you’d like to know.

National Fried Chicken Day 7/6/13


Family Tradition Cole Slaw






Red Wine Vinaigrette Salad Dressing

Salt, Pepper, Lemon Pepper

I had a small green cabbage, sliced it off very thinly rather than grating.  I used 3 carrots, cut ends off and using veggie peeler cleaned them well and then grated them with my hand grater.  I’m sure I used about 3 good Tablespoons of Mayo, just a splash of Vinaigrette salad dressing and salt, pepper & lemon pepper to taste.  Now most of us know Cole Slaw is always best if made early in the day or the day before eating so the flavors have time to set in.  As usual, excellent.

We have a beautiful white rabbit named Clyde that we give all the scraps of cabbage, carrots, lettuce and celery so we give him some awesome treats when we make things like this.

Clyde in his cage 3 11-13-12

Bounty from a Friend’s Harvest
